Beer Pong Full Rack / 10 Cup
Beer Pong Full Rack / 10 Cup
A full rack in beer pong contains all of the cups. Most houses play with 10 cups.
Your Beer Pong Headquarters
A full rack in beer pong contains all of the cups. Most houses play with 10 cups.
In beer pong if a shot bounces on the table the defending team can block the shot with a slap from a hand or arm. If you block a shot that does not bounce it counts as a cup and you must drink.
No way!
In beer pong if a team hits the same cup then that team gets balls back. The scoring team then gets to pick two additional cups for a total of three cups that the opposing team has to drink. You do not have to call same cup before shooting.
If playing beer pong 1v1 a player who shoots twice into the same cup will be “heating up.” 3 Cups will be pulled and the shooter gets balls back.
The Beer Pong All-Stars have launched an online store. Check out these Blue LED Beer Pong Signs. “Get your balls wet.”
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