Death Cup – Rules of Beer Pong #12

12. Death Cup

Death Cup Beer Pong Rule


Often after a long night of beer pong you may forget to pull / drink a cup that has already been made. The death cup beer pong rule is for when a team forgets to pull a cup that has been scored. You do not have to inform the other team that they have forgotten to remove a cup. If the cup is not pulled and then is made for a second time “death cup” is called and the game is over. Next victim on the table please! At some houses ‘death cup’ refers to sinking a pong ball into the drink a person is holding and drinking from.

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Traveling – Rules of Beer Pong #11

11. Traveling Beer Pong Rule

Traveling Beer Pong Rule

What do you mean “travel?”

Want an advantage that only an NBA all-star has? Here’s a rule for you: The traveling beer pong rule states that when the ball is sunk after hitting another cup’s lid then bonus cups are awarded. You can remove all of the cups that your shot touched or just one bonus cup. Like Lebron James and other NBA superstars you can receive a handicap to help you score. While playing with the traveling rule your games will go by much quicker. At beer pong all-stars we do not play traveling so that noobs don’t get unearned cups. We all know you didn’t mean to do that.

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Bermuda Triangle Rule – Rules of Beer Pong #9

9. Bermuda Triangle Rule

Bermuda Triangle Rule


There a few instances in a beer pong game when you are not allowed to re-rack the remaining cups. The Bermuda Triangle beer pong rule is for when there are 3 cups left and none of them are connected. You can not request a re-rack when the cups are in this formation. You also may not call island as none of the cups are touching. There must be a mainland for the island rule to apply. You are stuck with this formation of cups until you manage to sink one of them so be prepared to lose a few shots in the triangle.

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Sniper Rule – Rules of Beer Pong #8

8. Sniper Rule

Sniper Rule


Head’s up! When you incorporate the sniper rule in your house rules your games are sure to get rowdy. The sniper rule lets players snipe an opponent in the head for an extra cup. In order to have the chance at a snipe, you must catch the opponent’s shot as it bounces off the lids of your rack of cups. If you catch the ball, you must throw it at an opponent’s head in one motion. Most people are caught unaware by this move and you will end up scoring an extra cup. If your opponent somehow catches the ball thrown at him with their cat like reflexes, they may throw the ball back in a counter snipe attempt. Anyone that is hit in the head with a snipe must drink a cup from their rack.


Some houses have a variation of this rule known as ‘slap cup.’ The slap cup beer pong rule is similar to the sniper rule in that you target the shooting team after a ricochet shot. If a shot bounces off of the rim a defender can open hand slap the ball at the shooters. If the ball hits the shooters anywhere in the body they must drink a cup.

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Island Rule – Rules of Beer Pong #7

7. Island Rule

Beer Pong Island

Land Ho’

The island beer pong rule offers an opportunity for a bonus cup. If a cup is not touching another cup on the table a player may call, “island” and shoot for the lone cup. If the player succeeds in sinking the cup, they are awarded a bonus cup. There must be a land mass (two cups that are touching) in order for this rule to apply. Because you need at least 3 cups for the shot to be available, you can not win the game on this rule. At most houses each player gets one per game (two per team.) If you are playing a 1v1 then each player gets one call per game.

You can not call island if there is a Bermuda Triangle on the table.

If a shooter calls “island” and bounces the shot into the island cup the defending team picks 2 additional bonus cups to remove from the table and drink.

If both players on the shooting team call “island” and make the same cup the defending team must pick 2 additional bonus cups to remove and drink. The shooting team is awarded balls back.


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NBA Jam / Heating Up / On Fire – Rules of Beer Pong #6

6. NBA Jam / Heating Up / On Fire

NBA JAM Beer Pong Rule

“He’s on fire!”

The NBA Jam beer pong rule is gets its name from the classic arcade game by Midway. NBA Jam allows a player to get bonus shots.

After hitting two consecutive shots, the shooter announces, “heating up.” If they sink their next shot (3 consecutive cups) the player is “on fire” and continues to shoot until he or she misses. A player has to state, “heating  up” after making the second shot for a chance at fire.

This rule is great for momentum swings during your game. There is nothing like winning a game with 7 consecutive shot comeback.

If a team or player gets balls back during a streak of fire the shooting team will get balls back after fire has been extinguished. A new turn begins. The shooting team has the opportunity for a second balls back series.

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Troll Rule / Trolling – Rules of Beer Pong #4

4. Troll Rule / Trolling

Beer Pong Troll Rule / Trolling

Beer Pong Troll

Suck at beer pong? You’ve probably heard of the troll rule then. If you fail to hit a single cup in a game that your team loses then you must take your drink and sit under the table. The beer pong troll must stay under the table for the duration of the next game. Often the troll will disrupt the next game by grabbing player’s ankles or by making lots of noise. If both players on a team get skunked, they must both take a naked lap. Make sure you don’t strike out at the beer pong table or you’ll be spending a good amount of time under the table.

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Rules Of Beer Pong

Rules of Beer Pong

Rules of Beer Pong

Each house has their own rules

Without a set of rules, your game is sure to erupt into a drunken anarchy. Each house has there own rules and it is best to have them written down and displayed. We have compiled a list of the most common rules of beer pong. You can use this list to make your own set of house rules:

1. House Makes the Rules

2. Bitch Cup / Freshman Cup

3. Ring of Fire / Ring of Death

4. Troll Rule / Trolling

5. Naked Lap / Skunk Lap

6. NBA  Jam – “Heating up, On fire”

7. Island Rule

8. Sniper Rule

9. Bermuda Triangle

10. Beaming Rule / Randy Johnson Rule

11. Traveling Rule

12. Death Cup

13. Eye to Eye

14. Elbow Rule

15. Re-Racking

16. Balls Back

17. Fingering / Blowing

18. Trick Shot

19. Redemption / Rebuttal

20. Overtime

21. Spilled Cup 

22. Celeb Shot

23. Bounce Shot

24. Same Cup

25. Defense

Bitch Cup – Rules of Beer Pong #2

2. Bitch Cup

Bitch Cup

Bitch cup is the center cup in the rack.

The ‘bitch cup’ is the cup in the dead center of the rack at the beginning of the game. If a dude makes this cup before any other cup it remains on the table. If a girl hits this cup as the first cup it still counts hence the term ‘bitch cup’.


Bitch cup counts a made cup, but is not pulled. NBA Jam heating up & on-fire rules apply.





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Ring of Fire / Ring of Death – Rules of Beer Pong #3

3. Ring of Fire / Ring of Death

Ring of Fire

Ring of fire beer pong rule

Our favorite beer pong rule is the ring of fire (sometimes known as the ring of death). This rule states that if the front cup and bitch cup are hit along with the back corner cups without hitting any other cups the game is over. Check out the diagram below. This is the most satisfying way to win a beer pong game! If you are playing ring of death you can win the game before the other team gets to shoot. If both players make one of the crossed out cups on the first turn they get balls back. By making the remaining crossed out cups they can create a ring of fire without the other team having a chance to shoot. Make sure this rule is displayed at your house. New players often have not heard of it.

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